September 11th, 2023 Legal Updates

MOCI issued new resolution regarding registering a tradename in Kuwait

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (“MOCI“) issued resolution No. 127 of 2023 setting forth the new regulations regarding registering a tradename in Kuwait (“Decree”). The Decree sets out several requirements and restrictions which must be followed by any trader.

The Decree has revoked the previously issued decree by MOCI no. 26 of 2022. While there are many common provisions between the aforementioned decree and the Decree, MOCI has added new provisions to ensure that the traders’ rights are preserved.

In essence the MOCI has ensured that the tradename should include the envisaged activity which would be undertaken by the trader.

Stay tuned for further details on the Decree and feel free to reach out to our team, should you require any assistance.

For any assistance, please contact Maha El Meihy, Legal Director, and Khaled Al Makhezeem, Associate.

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